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20 employee engagement survey questions you should ask

This employee engagement survey questions that we believe you should use and why each question is important.

“I am proud to work for (Company)”

“I am proud to work for (Company)” is a question that aims to measure the level of pride and loyalty that employees feel towards the company they work for. A high level of employee engagement is typically associated with a strong sense of pride and loyalty towards the company, as employees who are engaged and invested in their work are more likely to feel a sense of belonging and commitment to the organization. This question can provide valuable insight into how employees feel about the company and whether they are motivated and committed to the organization’s success.

“I would recommend (Company) as a great place to work”

“I would recommend (Company) as a great place to work” is a question that aims to measure the level of employee satisfaction and engagement with the company. Employees who are satisfied with their job and the company are more likely to recommend it as a great place to work to others. This question can provide valuable insight into how employees feel about the company and whether they are satisfied with their job and the work environment. A high level of employee engagement is typically associated with a positive recommendation of the company as a great place to work, as engaged employees are more likely to be committed to the organization and have a positive view of the company.

“I see myself still working at (company) in two years’ time”

“I see myself still working at (company) in two years’ time” is a question that aims to measure the level of employee retention and commitment to the company. Employees who see themselves still working at the company in the future are more likely to be committed to the organization and less likely to leave in the near term. This question can provide valuable insight into how employees feel about their job and the company, and whether they are committed to staying with the organization. A high level of employee engagement is typically associated with a desire to stay with the company in the long term, as engaged employees are more likely to be satisfied with their job and committed to the organization.

“I rarely think about looking for a job at another company”

“I rarely think about looking for a job at another company” is a question that aims to measure the level of employee retention and commitment to the company. Employees who are satisfied with their job and the company are less likely to consider looking for a job at another company. This question can provide valuable insight into how employees feel about their job and the company, and whether they are committed to staying with the organization. A high level of employee engagement is typically associated with a low desire to look for a job at another company, as engaged employees are more likely to be satisfied with their job and committed to the organization.

“(Company) motivates me to go beyond what I would in a similar role elsewhere”

” (Company) motivates me to go beyond what I would in a similar role elsewhere” is a question that aims to measure the level of employee motivation and engagement with the company. Employees who feel motivated and engaged in their work are more likely to go above and beyond their job duties and contribute to the company’s success. This question can provide valuable insight into how employees feel about their job and the company, and whether they are motivated to excel in their role. A high level of employee engagement is typically associated with a strong desire to go above and beyond in the role, as engaged employees are more likely to be invested in the organization and motivated to contribute to its success.

 “My manager is a great role model for employees”

“My manager is a great role model for employees” is a question that aims to measure the level of employee satisfaction with their manager and the impact of the manager on overall job satisfaction. Employees who feel that their manager is a good role model are more likely to be satisfied with their job and the company. This question can provide valuable insight into how employees feel about their manager and whether they feel that their manager is supportive and sets a positive example for other employees. A high level of employee engagement is typically associated with a positive view of the manager as a role model, as engaged employees are more likely to be satisfied with their job and committed to the organization.

“The leaders at (company) keep people informed about what is happening”
“The leaders at (company) keep people informed about what is happening” is a question that aims to measure the level of transparency and communication within the company. Employees who feel that the leadership team keeps them informed about what is happening within the company are more likely to feel connected to the organization and engaged in their work. This question can provide valuable insight into the level of communication and transparency within the company and whether employees feel informed about the company’s goals and decisions. A high level of employee engagement is typically associated with a positive view of the leadership team’s communication and transparency, as engaged employees are more likely to feel connected to the organization and committed to its success.

“The leaders at (Company) have communicated a vision that motivates me”

“The leaders at (Company) have communicated a vision that motivates me” is a question that aims to measure the level of employee motivation and engagement with the company’s goals and vision. Employees who feel motivated by the company’s vision and goals are more likely to be engaged in their work and committed to the organization. This question can provide valuable insight into how employees feel about the company’s direction and whether they are motivated to contribute to its success. A high level of employee engagement is typically associated with a strong sense of motivation and commitment to the company’s vision, as engaged employees are more likely to be invested in the organization and motivated to contribute to its success.

“I have access to the things I need to do my job well”

“I have access to the things I need to do my job well” is a question that aims to measure the level of support and resources provided to employees to enable them to perform their job duties effectively. Employees who feel that they have access to the resources and support they need to do their job well are more likely to be satisfied with their job and the company. This question can provide valuable insight into whether employees feel equipped to perform their job duties and whether the company provides the necessary resources and support to enable them to be successful in their role. A high level of employee engagement is typically associated with a positive view of the resources and support provided by the company, as engaged employees are more likely to be satisfied with their job and committed to the organization.

“I have access to the learning and development I need to do my job well”

“I have access to the learning and development I need to do my job well” is a question that aims to measure the level of support and resources provided to employees for learning and development. Employees who feel that they have access to learning and development opportunities are more likely to be satisfied with their job and the company, as they are able to develop new skills and advance their careers. This question can provide valuable insight into whether employees feel supported in their learning and development and whether the company provides opportunities for growth and advancement. A high level of employee engagement is typically associated with a positive view of the learning and development opportunities provided by the company, as engaged employees are more likely to be satisfied with their job and committed to the organization.

“Most of the systems and processes here support us getting our work done effectively”

“Most of the systems and processes here support us getting our work done effectively” is a question that aims to measure the effectiveness of the systems and processes in place at the company and their impact on employee productivity and satisfaction. Employees who feel that the systems and processes in place support them in getting their work done effectively are more likely to be satisfied with their job and the company. This question can provide valuable insight into whether employees feel that the systems and processes in place enable them to perform their job duties effectively and whether there are any areas for improvement. A high level of employee engagement is typically associated with a positive view of the systems and processes in place, as engaged employees are more likely to be satisfied with their job and committed to the organization.

“I know what I need to do to be successful in my role”

“I know what I need to do to be successful in my role” is a question that aims to measure the level of clarity and understanding employees have about their job duties and expectations. Employees who feel that they have a clear understanding of what is expected of them in their role are more likely to be satisfied with their job and the company. This question can provide valuable insight into whether employees feel that they have a clear understanding of their responsibilities and how their role fits within the larger organization. A high level of employee engagement is typically associated with a clear understanding of job duties and expectations, as engaged employees are more likely to be satisfied with their job and committed to the organization.

 “I receive appropriate recognition when I do good work”

“I receive appropriate recognition when I do good work” is a question that aims to measure the level of appreciation and recognition employees feel they receive for their contributions to the company. Employees who feel that their contributions are recognized and appreciated are more likely to be satisfied with their job and the company. This question can provide valuable insight into whether employees feel that their contributions are recognized and valued by the company. A high level of employee engagement is typically associated with a positive view of the recognition and appreciation provided by the company, as engaged employees are more likely to be satisfied with their job and committed to the organization.

“Day-to-day decisions here demonstrate that quality and improvement are top priorities”

“Day-to-day decisions here demonstrate that quality and improvement are top priorities” is a question that aims to measure the level of focus on quality and improvement within the company and its impact on employee satisfaction. Employees who feel that the company places a high priority on quality and improvement are more likely to be satisfied with their job and the company. This question can provide valuable insight into whether employees feel that the company’s priorities align with their own values and whether they feel that the company is committed to continuous improvement. A high level of employee engagement is typically associated with a positive view of the company’s focus on quality and improvement, as engaged employees are more likely to be satisfied with their job and committed to the organization.

“I believe there are good career opportunities for me at this company”

“I believe there are good career opportunities for me at this company” is a question that aims to measure the level of career advancement and development opportunities available to employees and their impact on employee satisfaction. Employees who feel that there are good career opportunities for them within the company are more likely to be satisfied with their job and the company. This question can provide valuable insight into whether employees feel that the company provides opportunities for growth and advancement and whether they feel that their career prospects are positive within the organization. A high level of employee engagement is typically associated with a positive view of the career opportunities available within the company, as engaged employees are more likely to be satisfied with their job and committed to the organization.

“My manager has shown a genuine interest in my career aspirations”

“My manager has shown a genuine interest in my career aspirations” is a question that aims to measure the level of support and development provided to employees by their manager and its impact on employee satisfaction. Employees who feel that their manager is supportive of their career aspirations and takes an active interest in their development are more likely to be satisfied with their job and the company. This question can provide valuable insight into whether employees feel that their manager is supportive of their career goals and provides guidance and development opportunities. A high level of employee engagement is typically associated with a positive view of the support and development provided by the manager, as engaged employees are more likely to be satisfied with their job and committed to the organization.

“This is a great company for me to make a contribution to my development”

“This is a great company for me to make a contribution to my development” is a question that aims to measure the level of support and development opportunities provided to employees and their impact on employee satisfaction. Employees who feel that the company provides opportunities for them to contribute to their own development are more likely to be satisfied with their job and the company. This question can provide valuable insight into whether employees feel that the company supports their personal and professional growth and whether they feel they have the opportunity to contribute to their own development. A high level of employee engagement is typically associated with a positive view of the development opportunities provided by the company, as engaged employees are more likely to be satisfied with their job and committed to the organization.

“Are there some things we are doing great here?”

“Are there some things we are doing great here?” is a question that aims to identify the things that employees feel the company is doing well, which can provide valuable insight into what is working well within the organization and what employees appreciate about the company. This question can also help to identify areas of strength and success within the company, which can be used to build on and improve employee satisfaction and engagement. A high level of employee engagement is typically associated with a positive view of the things the company is doing well, as engaged employees are more likely to be satisfied with their job and committed to the organization.

“Are there some things we are not doing so great here?”

“Are there some things we are not doing so great here?” is a question that aims to identify any areas for improvement within the company, as identified by employees. This question can provide valuable insight into what employees feel the company could be doing better and what may be causing dissatisfaction or frustration within the organization. Identifying areas for improvement can help the company address any issues and improve employee satisfaction and engagement. A high level of employee engagement is typically associated with a positive view of the company and a desire to help improve any areas of weakness, as engaged employees are more likely to be invested in the organization and committed to its success.

“Is there something else you think we should have asked you in this survey?”

“Is there something else you think we should have asked you in this survey?” is an open-ended question that allows employees to provide additional feedback or suggestions for areas that the company should consider in order to improve employee satisfaction and engagement. This question can provide valuable insight into what employees feel is important and what may not have been addressed in the survey. A high level of employee engagement is typically associated with a desire to provide constructive feedback and help improve the company, as engaged employees are more likely to be invested in the organization and committed to its success.

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